IMPORTANT:You are responsible for all the information and instructions on this page. Deadlines for these steps will be announced by your instructor. Please note: if you have an accommodations letter you are responsible to notify the Department before you take the Challenge Exam.
The Challenge Exam allows BYU students who served a Chinese-speaking mission, who learned Chinese at home, or who had a significant immersion experience for which they did not receive academic credit, to demonstrate their proficiency and to receive graded credit.
The Challenge Exam is not intended for individuals for whom the Chinese language is their dominant language, nor for those who have completed three or more years of education in which classes are conducted in Chinese, or the equivalent.
The exam must be taken during your first language-focused class at BYU or first language-focused class after your mission.
Language-focused classes are CHIN 201 or CHIN 202.
Native speakers cannot take the exam for credit.
If you are eligible, please visit to request to take the Chinese Challenge Exam. There is a $20 non-refundable fee to take the challenge exam. Please note:
If you do not finish the Chinese class, you will not be able to receive credit for the challenge exam.
You may take the challenge exam in either Mandarin OR Cantonese, but not both.
The Chinese challenge exam allows BYU students to receive graded credit for the following courses without taking them:
Challenge exam credit will not be given for a class in which you are currently enrolled.
You may not challenge BYU language classes you have already taken.
Credit will be given only for courses that are sequenced before the lowest course you start with after coming or returning to BYU.
Dates for the challenge time will be given in class, if enrolled in CHIN 201 or 202. Typically, it is offered early in November, early March, and early August.
After being approved to take the Chinese Challenge Exam, you will need to schedule a time to take it. Visit to schedule a testing time.
Tests are administered in the JFSB, room B-153. Please arrive at least 5 minutes early so you may begin on time.
Students have only one year to accept the credits if they pass the challenge exam. Watch your BYU student email and follow the link to accept the credits.